Lucy Enskat
Project Development Officer (Clown Round)
Lucy is a performer and theatre maker originally from London but settled in Norfolk after doing a Drama degree at the University of East Anglia and has lived and worked in the arts here for 20 years now. Lucy has a theatre company, Hocus Pocus Theatre and has also been working freelance as one of the Clown Doctors on the Clown Round project since 2014.
Running a theatre company, I get to imagine and create lots of different kinds of performance including comedy characters for interactive, walkabout theatre; solo outdoor shows using puppetry and large-scale immersive theatre events. I’ve loved using theatre spaces in unexpected ways and taking audience members on a journey that puts them at the centre of the experience and makes them feel special. The last show I made collaboratively like this was called ‘Fun Clinic’, a phony conference on wellbeing that used laughter as a tool for engagement with the topic of mental health.
“The best thing about working for Suffolk Artlink is being part of an organisation driving positive change through creativity and participation.
“I’m passionate about wellbeing for people and the planet and how they’re intrinsically linked. I’m involved with the Culture Declares Emergency movement and I love getting outdoors in nature.”