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SD Personal Archives

15th March – Personal Archives

We sent in tiny packs of coloured cards, and asked the residents to tell us what they would choose to put into a personal archive.

There were four items; a thing, a sound, a smell and something that made them smile.

“We had a great session this morning with our Special Delivery! We enjoyed the cards and thinking of things to archive. This created a lovely conversation and the mood was happy, cheerful and everyone enjoyed the morning.” Lee

From a husband’s medals to the smell of a favourite aftershave, the sound of church bells and the sight of family arriving to visit—all these things and more were shared.

To celebrate, Dean wrote the poem, The Marvellous Collection: he even made an audio recording of it, which we sent to the residents so that they could listen to Dean reading it.

The children also created their own personal archives, and the following week Dean wrote a second poem, so that we now have two Marvellous Collections.

Unopened archive envelopes