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Discoveries at Suffolk Archives

The children visit Suffolk Archives to find the source material for the Archive All-Stars—and more, besides.

From press cuttings to microfilm, by way of old maps and photographs, the children used different types of documents to discover details about the All-Stars, and illustrated their findings in their Extra Time worksheets—displayed on the facing page.

They also looked for things they thought the residents would like—such as pictures of spitfires and the footballing legend, Terry Butcher.

Finding out about the Trawler Boys

A school boy and girl sit side by side in front of a table with press cuttings and pots of coloured pencils

Discovering that her street used to be a field

A child with shoulder-length dark hair and wearing a white T-shirt points to an area on an old map

Using microfilm to research stories about Terry Butcher

A young boy sits in front of a screen, using microfiche to look at old press cuttings

Writing about the highlights from the 1983 WFA

A table top covered in old press cuttings with overhead view of two school pupils, each holding a red pencil, pointing to an image


A child in white T-shirt and dark cardigan sits, pencil in hand, studying notes on the reverse of an old photograph

Discovering the school is on the site of an old brick works

Two school children sit side by side with an old map and other documents in front of them

Reading the original story of Ethel the Bell

Close up of two school children seated at a table on which is a pot of coloured pencils and some papers. They are reading a press cutting and pointing to a particular line

“It made me think of my family, if they have any history here.”
“My visit to the Archives has inspired me to keep a diary.”

Here is a selection of the children’s ‘From the Touchlines’ worksheets, that they completed during their visit to Suffolk Archives.

Continue to 7th November 2023: Mark Making – and Making a Mark

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