A Celebratory Tea Party
“It’s been an absolute pleasure to meet you all, you are a credit to your generation.”
So said one of the Beech House residents yesterday afternoon, during our second (and last, for the time being) tea party.
The children took along their Valentia boxes to show the residents – and were surprised to discover that not only had the residents made similar boxes, but also a series of beautiful lavender hanky dolls, which the children much admired.
“We weren’t sure how some of the artworks were going to turn out when we started, but they’ve all been really beautiful and we’ve had a great time making them all.”
They swapped notes about their trips to the Museum, and all agreed that the bell was brilliant, as they all got to ring it.
Tea was delicious, with amazing cupcakes and homemade dinosaur biscuits, after which the group wrote thank you letters to the person who brought the Lincolne Letters to Halesworth; thanks to their generosity of spirit plus the support of all the staff at Halesworth and District Museum, we’ve really been able to make connections between different generations, social eras and domestic events.
We’re not quite finished yet, as we’ll be at the school next week with artist Caitlin (who may just have a surprise for the children), and one more activity for Beech House, to add to the beautiful artworks they’ve already created.