Bingo – it’s a poem
It’s been a busy week – I’m tempted to say I needed some extra time to fit everything in.
First, it was a celebration assembly for Yr 5 children at Pakefield Primary, where the whole year group watched a short presentation about all the wonderful things the Pakefield Pitch Invaders created during their Extra Time season.
The Invaders really enjoyed explaining the project to their class mates, not least the concept of Lowestoft Time, after which they each received a Souvenir Programme and a certificate, to celebrate their achievements.
Then, it was a visit to Hildesley, to discuss the project with the residents and learn more from them about why they value it so much.
A recurring theme was that of ‘connections’, making connections between generations, learning from different generations, learning new skills together and just having the time to ‘be’ together.
As they pointed out, they don’t have much opportunity to spend time with young people, so it was a real pleasure to meet the team from Pakefield Primary and spend some time getting to know them.
The residents hope they can continue to meet the children and I left them busily working out how they might organise a tea party some time in the future.
Today was poetry with Dean – first at Beech House, where bingo calling seems to have played a large part in creating some of the lines.
The numbers theme was carried through to the Super Sewter Dudes this afternoon, where the frequency of shattering bones (6 times), the length of a medal-winning swimming race (400 metres) and the acquisition of Brownie badges (13 in total) were added to poetic nicknames to multiply their impact.
Together, they equalled an entertaining and illuminating poem that will be shared with the Beech House Bakers, when we visit them again, next week.
‘The children's relationship with the residents was beautiful. I loved it because you could see the residents’ eyes light up and very quickly they made bonds, and seemed drawn to one another ... they really became friends.’
‘The way they’d [the children] have a conversation with you – it was marvellous. I have great grandchildren, and they’re always on their phones, there’s no conversation, so I was greatly surprised by the way these children joined in conversations with us. When you think – they're 9 and I’m nearly 90 – it’s a big difference.’
‘Visiting Beech House last week was such fun - the older people were joyful and I felt I fitted in because they all had a bubbly personality like I do.’