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Category: Blog posts

A wooden panel with a black knob right, the words Extra Time centre with goal post over and an old-fashioned cut-out of letter M, left. Under logos of Suffolk Archives and Chronicle Digital Storytelling and Suffolk Artlink Blog posts

Members of the Ipswich Sporting Memories group get to experience the Extra Time Footballing Stories box – and are amazed and delighted by it.

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Leather bound sales books dating back to 1911 Blog posts

Volunteers from the Long Shop Museum in Leiston visit The Hold in Ipswich to explore the Garrett archives at first hand

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A group of women, laughing as the adopt a fun pose in front of The Long Shop, Leiston Blog posts

Participants of Curious Minds, Leiston, celebrated their creative journey with a final exhibition at The Long Shop and Leiston Library.

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two artists creating a large sculpture Blog posts

“People’s creative ability is amazing – it’s like magical alchemy.”

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A framed certificate to the Halesworth and District Museum that reads We, the undersigned pupils of the Edgar Sewter Primary School award this certificate to Halesworth and District Museum in appreciation of the Extra Time we spent together finding out about our town - followed by several signatures. Also in the picture are two hand-crafted trophies and two Extra Time publications Blog posts

The whole of Year 5 at the Edgar Sewter Primary School get to see what their pals have been doing on Extra Time and then the Museum staff get a big surprise during a school visit in the afternoon

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The landscape of Sutton Hoo framed by a handheld rectangular cardboard frame. Blog posts

Artist Jac Campbell presented participants with creative ways to record and explore the landscape of Sutton Hoo including sound recording and cyanotypes.

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A plaster cast of colourful flowers against a sunny, yellow background Blog posts

“The best part for me was peeling off the clay and revealing the cast. I felt like a child again, excited and in anticipation of a big reveal!” 

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A woman in a yellow and white striped jersey smiles to the camera whilst holding aloft a cardboard Olympic Torch with yellow, orange and red paper 'flames' Blog posts

When we learnt that Beech House is organising a procession through Halesworth to mark the Olympic Games, we were only too happy to help them make a torch for the event.

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