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Category: Blog posts

Celebration Time Blog posts

The Super Sewter Dudes visit the Beech House Bakers for the last session and celebrate all the wonderful work they have created together over the past three months.

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A group of school children stand behind a tower (podium) of cardboard boxes on which stand a variety of cardboard trophies Blog posts

The penultimate session, and Beech House residents and the team from Edgar Sewter primary school get together to finish off the trophies and find out what people have enjoyed about taking part in Extra Time.

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Laura holding her a dramatic landscape, horizontal bands of bright colours. Blog posts

Artist Johann Don-Daniel led the first session of our summer 2024 programme for learning disabled artists.

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Charlotte Jolly and a child are sitting on rugs on the floor. They are building a tower from coloured,stackable, plastic cylinders. Blog posts

Musician Charlotte Jolly and author Kayleen Shani working with families at Riverside Family Hub, Lowestoft.

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Three cardboard panels covered with cut out self portraits and words Extra Time Supporters Club Blog posts

The Extra Time team was thrilled to spend Saturday afternoon at the First Light Festival, inviting families to join our Supporters Club, award themselves a personalised medal, and fashion football players inspired by the Archive All-Stars

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Close up of trophies on cardboard box stands with children behind Blog posts

The residents at Beech House spent a happy morning cutting up cardboard tubes and fashioning a series of trophies, after which the children spent the afternoon decorating them with art work created over the last ten weeks.

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Hand coloured image of a helmet with wording It was made of metal, not comfortable, less room Blog posts

This week, the children visited the Beech House Bakers, to tell them about their trip to Halesworth and District Museum and some of the things they discovered there about their heritage.

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Patrick~Stead~Hospital Patrick~Stead~Hospital Edgar~Sewter Edgar~Sewter Edgar~Sewter Edgar~Sewter Kiln Tudor~map Lincolne~Letters Chairman’s~Chain Chairman’s~Chain Chairman’s~Chain Chairman’s~Chain money coins coins dinosaurs bones fossils axe~heads work~bell old~pottery old~pottery old~pottery stoneware trophies awards witches letters~and~notes hospital football scouts photos maps buildings maps DNA stamps magazines newspapers photographs bracelet tools axe spear flints Edgar~Sewter helmet penny Kings Romans Caligula Spearheads Pipes horse brasses needles metal handle pins pottery ammonite mammoth photos names names names Blog posts

Whilst the Beech House Bakers blow bubbles and create gold medals, the children return to Halesworth and District Museum, to explore their heritage a little further.

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