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Category: Blog posts

A man wearing glasses stands beside a flip chart on which he has drawn a cartoon of himself Blog posts

Goalie-Poet Dean is a doodler – he loves a good cartoon almost as much as a list of words – and this afternoon he and Jen introduced the team to the joys of the exaggerated pose and the go-faster stripe.

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Gentleman seated in armchair holding up to strips of paper with handwritten notes saying Bring on the Champ, Clap and Stamp, Left jab, right jab, everywhere a jab jab Blog posts

It was a tuneful session today, as the Britten Court Angels wrote their own football chant, adding some slick chorus moves, whilst over at Roman Hill the children enjoyed creating their Extra Time footie anthem.

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Artist Jac Campbell demonstrates a small printing press to a workshop participant. Blog posts

Families created amazing prints, experimenting with colour and the patterns and forms created by the plants when rolled through the printing press.

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Close up of a hand holding a small stick with sponge, applying gold paint to a small disc with a hole pierced in it. Blog posts

The Extra Time children from Roman Hill visit residents at Britten Court Care Home, to tell them all about their visit to Suffolk Archives, and put the finishing touches to some small gold discs.

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A grey disc of soft clay patterned with small circles and lines, with an array of mark making items beside it Blog posts

The Britten Court Angels chat about sporting achievements as they enjoy doing some clay work and the Extra Time children from Roman Hill finish off their worksheets and share their impressions of Suffolk Archives.

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A table top covered in old press cuttings with overhead view of two school pupils, each holding a red pencil, pointing to an image Blog posts

The residents at Britten Court explore some sporting memorabilia including Spot the Ball and old boots, whilst the children visit Suffolk Archives to research some of the Archive All-Stars characters and find out just what goes on in an archive.

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Old brown leather football boots circa 1940's, shin pads, a small silver trophy and a monochrome photograph of a football team Blog posts

It’s half term, and Jen leads the Extra Time session at Britten Court, in which the team completes quizzes, enjoys some elemental earth dancing and goes on a guided meditation of a post-match football stadium.

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