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Curious Energy

Participants of Curious Minds, Leiston, celebrated their creative journey with a final exhibition at The Long Shop and Leiston Library.

“I have loved the course. It has been food for my soul.”

Our Curious Minds programme in Leiston was facilitated by artists Sarah Lewis and Alice Andrea Ewing with the theme of “Conscious Energy”.

In only twelve weeks participants were able to explore a wide range of techniques. Work on display included 3D clay work, sculptural models and a short film based on a creative movement piece devised by participants.

Our twelve-week Curious Minds programmes offer participants the chance to enjoy exploring a variety of art forms whilst developing creative skills and tools to support mental wellbeing.

Curious Minds is delivered in partnership with Suffolk Libraries, the Food Museum and the Ipswich and East Suffolk Alliance. Curious Minds supports people aged 18 or over in Ipswich and East Suffolk living with complex health needs.

Film Credit: Sarah Lewis, artist