Everyone’s a Winner
Today, the children visited the Beech House Bakers in their home – always an exciting event and this week made all the more so, as the children arrived soaked to the skin, having walked through torrential rain to get there.
But were they downhearted? Not a bit of it, and they were soon sharing the poetic lines created with Dean and introducing themselves via the nicknames they’d dreamt up last week.
This session was all about trophies; what they might be, how we might win them, and what might conceivably happen to them, once they’d been won.
So it was that we had players winning trophies for sporting events, having good listening skills and being the most flexible person in the world.
Other trophies celebrated walking, biking and driving over the Forth Bridge and possessing the Best Hat of the Year, which got lost but then was found, safe and sound, on the shelf
‘I was feeling down in the dumps at first, but I'm much happier now that I've seen the children - they were a credit to their school.’