Rolling Pins and Wedding Dresses
What a brilliant day – rolling pins and clay lump with the Beech House Bakers and then fossils, helmets and handmade wedding dresses with the Super Sewter Dudes.
The day started at Beech House, where the residents (and staff) rolled, smoothed and, in some cases, pummelled their lumps of clay, all the time chatting and laughing and singing; it clearly made them very happy.
Then there was some serious mark making, with swirls, lines, dots and dashes added, after which the clay slabs were cut into smaller circles and left to dry; they’ll be decorated after half term.
The afternoon was spent at Halesworth and District Museum, where the children were tasked with discovering facts about some of the Extra Time Match of the Day cards.
So it was that they listened as Amanda read them a press cutting about Halesworth Football Club AGM – in 1947 – and then discussed some of the stories behind it, whilst Dean inspired them to discover facts about the Middle School and the role their own school plays in the history of education in Halesworth, and Caitlin invited them to examine closely a number of medallions and badges awarded to successful local football teams.
The children also got the chance to quiz the Museum staff about exhibits – both the oldest and the newest items on display – and to pick out a favourite piece, to share with the residents.
Next week is half term, so Dean and I will be at Beech House with the Extra Time Kit Bag for some reminiscence sport poetry and we’ll pick up again on the favourite pieces when the children return after half term.
‘I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was very satisfying. I was doing something and could see the end product, like when I'm baking and doing different designs for my cakes - this gave me a lot of ideas for my cakes.’
‘If I'd known we were going to make medals, I think I would have started differently, but I just went with making patterns, and then all these other things came out of it. I've loved it.’
‘It was just lovely, to use your hands and get the feel of it, rolling it out and then making the patterns, it was all just so lovely doing that.’