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Posts with tag: Leiston

A cut-out figure of a man wearing a bowler hat and long grey coat holding a timer in his hand Blog posts

The Extra Time team visit Year 5 at Leiston Primary school to chat about the connection between Garretts Engineering and football in the town and make some football characters of their own.

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Leather bound sales books dating back to 1911 Blog posts

Volunteers from the Long Shop Museum in Leiston visit The Hold in Ipswich to explore the Garrett archives at first hand

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A group of women, laughing as the adopt a fun pose in front of The Long Shop, Leiston Blog posts

Participants of Curious Minds, Leiston, celebrated their creative journey with a final exhibition at The Long Shop and Leiston Library.

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A plaster cast of colourful flowers against a sunny, yellow background Blog posts

“The best part for me was peeling off the clay and revealing the cast. I felt like a child again, excited and in anticipation of a big reveal!” 

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This photograph shows people in a workshop working in pairs to explore movement. Each pair has a pole which is held between them by each person pressing the palm of one hand against either end of the pole. You can see that the pairs are trying different movements while keeping the pole from falling by maintaining an even pressure on each end of the pole. The participants are concentrating and laughing a lot too. News

“I really enjoyed the mirroring movement activity, it felt like Tai Chi with lots of concentration and flow. I haven’t done anything like this before and I really enjoyed it.”

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