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Posts with tag: Lowestoft Rising

A child beams at the camera, and is holding a card with a decorated trophy on the front Blog posts

For the final time in this season, the teams of Hildesley High Flyers and Pakefield Pitch Invaders come together to spend a little Extra Time with each other and celebrate all that they

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A gold coloured disc with a green outline Blog posts

A happy morning at Hildesley, working on our embroidered pictures, followed by an equally delightful afternoon at Pakefield Primary School, where the children filled bubbles and stitched pictures

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So people in this time can see old time things. Blog posts

The Extra Time players chat about their visit to Suffolk Archives and finish off their worksheets, adding details and contrast to their artwork, ready for their next sessions with Kate Munro

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Old brown leather football boots circa 1940's, shin pads, a small silver trophy and a monochrome photograph of a football team Blog posts

The children are on half term holiday this week, so we went along to Hildesley Court with the Extra Time Kit Bag, crammed with football memorabilia, to share some sporting moments with the residents.

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