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Posts with tag: Lowestoft

Rows of colourful cut-out paper figures on a green background Blog posts

The Pakefield Pitch Invaders visit the Hildesley High Flyers for the first match of the season.

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Green paper white inked drawing with words The start is the dance then the middle bit is all of the footballers passing the ball back and forth to each other Blog posts

The Extra Time teams of Hildesley High Flyers and Pakefield Pitch Invaders have been dancing their pens to well-known football tunes, constructing football grounds and dressing up the spectators, in preparation for their first head-to-head next week.

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A collection of cards, each with a photo of an individual child, decorated and listing skills, achievements and goals Blog posts

The first Extra Time session of the new season kicks off, and whilst residents at Hildesley Court limber up for the games ahead, the children from Pakefield Primary School consider tactics, skills – and how much fun they’re going to have.

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A young school boy holding a cupcake with icing like a Christmas tree on top Blog posts

With gold medallions, Christmas cards and cupcakes the size of puddings, the Roman Hill Football Club children and Britten Court Angels celebrate all their marvellous Extra Time achievements.

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Authors Nate Holder and Kayleen Shani exchange their children's books Sungura the Runaway Rabbit and Where are all the instruments? West Africa. Blog posts

Prof Nate Holder inspires children and early years musicians in Lowestoft

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A man wearing glasses stands beside a flip chart on which he has drawn a cartoon of himself Blog posts

Goalie-Poet Dean is a doodler – he loves a good cartoon almost as much as a list of words – and this afternoon he and Jen introduced the team to the joys of the exaggerated pose and the go-faster stripe.

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Gentleman seated in armchair holding up to strips of paper with handwritten notes saying Bring on the Champ, Clap and Stamp, Left jab, right jab, everywhere a jab jab Blog posts

It was a tuneful session today, as the Britten Court Angels wrote their own football chant, adding some slick chorus moves, whilst over at Roman Hill the children enjoyed creating their Extra Time footie anthem.

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