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Posts with tag: Older People

Lavender dolls and last goodbyes Blog posts

This week saw our final session with the children at Edgar Sewter, and what nicer way to end the project than to sit round a table, making lavender hanky dolls […]

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Dear friend I’ve never met before Blog posts

Special Delivery at Britten Court was made very special indeed yesterday by the presence of Maurice, on piano, and Dancing Dean … Based on items chosen by residents for their […]

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A hand written thank you letter Blog posts

“It’s been an absolute pleasure to meet you all, you are a credit to your generation.” So said one of the Beech House residents yesterday afternoon, during our second (and […]

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Drawing of some dark clouds Blog posts

A session of getting to grips with graphite, cloud formations – and headlines.   After the storm – the relative quiet of the headline hunt, in which Dean encouraged the […]

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Beautiful boxes for treats and memories Blog posts

Another wonderful afternoon of cutting and sticking – and lots of chat about all the things we’ve done over the past few weeks. The children chose excerpts from the Lincolne […]

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Picnic plate poetry and a trip to the Museum Blog posts

This morning, Kate and Dean visited residents at Britten Court, where they shared the children’s souvenir plates. The plates were decorated with images and text taken from their visit to […]

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Cross-writing and Valentia Boxes Blog posts

In January 1830, Mary and William Lincolne wrote to their son, also called William, who was apprenticed at the time in Witham. The letter is a fine example of ‘cross-writing’, […]

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A little souvenir of their trip to Suffolk Archives Blog posts

Last week, the Special Delivery group of children from Roman Hill Primary school visited Suffolk Archives, and discovered a whole host of things. Many of the discoveries they made were […]

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