DIY Sessions
DIY Sessions
Draw a Door and What You Imagine Coming Through It
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw the Safest Thing You Know
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw Buildings Whilst Holding 2 Pencils
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Make a Masking Tape Person
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw the Smallest Thing Big
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw a Repeating Shape
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw a Self Portrait Quickly
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw Your Favourite Fictional Character
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Draw the Sounds Around You
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Write your Favourite Number
The Little Book of Prompts is a guide for creative activities. Some of the intentions encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking, cathartic processing and generally a bit of fun.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Rearranging Flowers
Try out these creative activities either using items from the activity boxes or your own materials.
Part of Friends Around the Table
DIY Sessions
Time For Tea
Try out these creative activities either using items from the activity boxes or your own materials.
Part of Friends Around the Table
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