Coloured days
In this activity, we’re going to write short poems all about the colours in your village.
Think of all the different colours you would find in your village; for example, the ‘red’ letter box, the ‘green’ shop door, the ‘blue’ notice board.
Make a list of as many as you can think of—once you get going, you’ll find there are lots of them.
Pick four different colours – could be red, blue, yellow, pink, green, black, white etc. – and write a sentence about something of that colour that you would find in your village.
Here’s an example, using red, green, blue and white. The sentences are about the village I grew up in.
Carlton Colours
Red school jumper ready, on my way to Middle School.
Mr Sheldrake’s green garden shed where he kept all the footballs I kicked over his fence.
The brooding blue sky before the thunder. We need the rain, Uncle Jack used to say.
I pass White House Farm where he worked driving tractors, clearing ditches.
You will need
Some paper and something to write with
Or you could use a keyboard and type your work
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