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Indoor Still Life Shadow Drawing

Enjoy our simple step by step Create guides devised by professional artists and foragers for Friends Around the Table. Absolutely no experience is necessary, these activities are accessible for most people and can be undertaken in your own time.

Each guide welcomes you to explore food and nature in new and exciting ways to bring some relaxing and creative activity to your day. Once you have had a go, why not share the skills you have learned with a neighbor, friend or family member!

In Caitlin Howells’ last Create activity, she suggested making outdoor shadow drawings but not everybody wants to be outdoors at this time of year, so here’s an indoor version you can do at home.

On a sharp, sunny day, inspect the shadows cast through different windows in your home.


If you already have a table by your preferred window: –

  • Place some paper onto the table and look at the shadows cast on to it from the window frames and items on your windowsill
  • If you don’t have a pleasing shadow already, then create your own shadow still life
  • Use a mixture of interesting shaped items on the windowsill; glass objects through which light can pass make really interesting translucent shadows
  • Plants and flowers make great shadows too, as do random household objects
  • Enjoy experimenting with different items until you have an arrangement that pleases you
  • When you have a still life shadow that pleases you, select a pen, pencil or other item and draw the edges of the shadow until you have all the shadow details traced onto the paper.

You will need

  • Paper—normal or greaseproof
  • Pens, pencil, charcoal or chalk

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