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Welcomes to Extra Time Souvenir Programme #3

It’s been a fabulous season, with loads of fun and games on, and off, the pitch. But first, a bit of background to our story.

Extra Time is managed by Suffolk Artlink. We bring people together—participants, artists and partners—to explore social and cultural topics and create new, exciting artworks to express what they discover.

Extra Time Participants

This is our 3rd season and this time we worked in Halesworth with a group of Year 5 children from the Edgar Sewter primary school and residents at nearby Beech House residential care home.

Extra Time Artists

Acting as referees, coaches, and suppliers of half-time orange slices were community artist Caitlin Howells, goalie poet/linesman Dean Parkin, sculptor Alice Andrea Ewing and our brilliant volunteer, Amanda.

Extra Time Supporters

Halesworth and District Museum has kindly shared items from their collections to inspire the creative content of our sessions.

And, in case you haven’t already guessed, the topic is FOOTBALL

A monotone photograph of a team of men dressed in football kit with a length of rope around them, pulling a A.W.D. Hammond's pick up truck
One of a set of Match of the Day cards, based on press cuttings, images and documents at Halesworth and District Museum. This one shows the Halesworth Football Team towing a Hammonds pick-up truck.
'“I want to take part in Extra Time because I like art and football and I want to make more friends.”'

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